No Nest for the Wicket

The hilly terrain next to the old Sprocket house that Meg Langslow and her fiance, Michael, are refurbishing is the perfect location for an "extreme" croquet field--even the legs of cows and sheep are convenient extra wickets. A sport traditionally reserved for genteel society, croquet has become all the rage in Caerphilly…until it appears someone in town has taken the "rage" a bit too literally.

While stumbling down a steep bank after her ball, Meg encounters the body of a fresh female corpse with a mallet-sized dent in her head. If that isn’t reason enough to call a time-out, it turns out that Michael knew the woman from years before. Ever curious, Meg decides that playing arm-chair sleuth is far more important than working on her game . . . and soon she finds herself in the perfect position to solve the murder mystery--or become the next victim.

ISBN-13: 978-0312997915

Available in paperback,as an ebook, and in audio: where to buy


  • Nominated for the Lefty Award for most humorous novel